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Giving Closet Vancouver

Vancouver, WA

We provide a spacious shopping experience to meet your clothing needs at no charge. We offer clothing, shoes, household goods, bedding, linens, toys, books, clothing sizes 4X-8X, bread, household start over kits, and non-perishable food items. Our inventory changes daily, depending on what’s donated, so you never know what surprise awaits you! We also provide a warm meal, emergency food and personal grooming supplies to the homeless when they visit.
Here’s what you need to bring when you come to shop with us…

Picture ID for yourself, and Social Security numbers for your entire household.

We are open for shopping on Wednesdays and Thursdays in building 2804 B.

The first time you visit us you will shop according to your last name.

A-I 1:00-2:00 pm Please arrive before 1:45 pm
J-Q 2:30-3:30 pm Please arrive before 3:15 pm
R-Z 10:30-11:30 am Please arrive before 11:15 am

We close the week before major holidays to give our volunteers a break!
We will be closed in the event of snow, ice, or temperatures over 95 degrees, so we hope you will stay home too and either snuggle up in a warm blanket or enjoy a Popsicle to cool off.


Clothing Food


Bus Info:
C-Tran 4, 44
Bus Stop:
Train Info:

Train Stop:

Nearby Orgs

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Trinity Mission Food Cupboard at Trinity Baptist Church

6700 MacArthur Blvd, Vancouver, WA, 98661 - (1.47 miles away)

Food Assistance on the 3rd Friday
of each month from 10:00am-2:00pm

Clark County Adventist Community Services

3114 E 4th Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA, 98661 - (1.62 miles away)

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Monday & Tuesday:
9:30 – 11:30 am
12:30 – 3:00 pm

Closed all other days

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Live Love at Living Hope Church

2533 NE Andresen Rd, Vancouver, WA, 98661 - (0.36 miles away)

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Wednesday 12:00-2:30pm
Sunday 4:00-6:30pm

Meal Served by Angel's of God.

Free Clinic of SW Washington

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Google Maps image of location

2804 B NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA, 98661
