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Salvation Army Gresham Family Services

Portland, OR

Emergency Food Assistance | 2 - 3 days supply
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Please bring your current mail dated within the last 30 days, identification for customer receiving services.

Free Food Market | Fresh Produce
First Wednesday of each month
9:00 am - 10:00 am: General Public
11 am: Senior Program Participants

Clothing Voucher - $20 for Family Store (The Salvation Army Thrift Store) located at 242nd (Hogan) and Stark St. 2990 NE Hogan Dr. Gresham, OR | (503) 667-1984 (Wednesday is half day off). One voucher provided each day to the first person who asks for one, so come in early in the day for the best results.

Zip Codes Served: 97004, 97009, 97010, 97011, 97013, 97015, 97022, 97023, 97024, 97027, 97030, 97042, 97055, 97060, 97236, 97080, 97230, 97233

Provides an intensive hand up to single women and families in impoverished areas of east Portland and Gresham by providing on-going intensive classes and individual training on site and in homes.

The program includes life skills training in the following areas; parenting, clean and healthy homes, nutrition and cooking, money management, resume building, interviewing skills, dressings for success, healthy relationships/marriage and family.

Sally's Diner - Evening Meals
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
All children eat free at nightly meals served Monday - Friday
(Only on School days, we operate on Reynold's School District schedule)


Career Clothing Education Family Food Women

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Community Breakfast every Saturday from 9am - 11am

Please contact for information about food boxes.

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Food Assistance
Tuesday – Friday
9:30am to 11:00am &
12:30pm to 3:30pm

9:00am to 1:00pm

Please remember to bring your own grocery bags for your food store vi...

Google Maps image of location

473 SE 194th Ave, Portland, OR, 97233


Extension 204