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SMYRC - Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center - Eastside

Portland, OR

SMYRC provides a safe, supervised, harassment-free space for sexual and gender minority youth ages 13-23 who participate in positive activities like art, music, community organizing, open mic nights, drag shows, and support groups and receive services including case management, counseling, education, and more. With the goals of increasing academic success and access to jobs, reducing poverty and school drop-out, SMYRC honors, empowers, and supports LGBTQ youth to be their best selves and become leaders in their communities.

SMYRC also offers mental health support services. A Cascadia Behavioral Health LGBTQ Mental Health Specialist is in the SMYRC Drop-in Center on Mondays at our downtown location and Wednesdays at our East County location.

Tuesday: 3-7pm
Wednesday: 3-7pm

SMYRC East is at 17199 SE Division Street. The house is the first red house on the right on 171st that appears to be a barn, just past the apartments. Google Maps may take you to the apartments – just look for SMYRC East right next door.


Career Clothing Counseling Education Food Health LGBTQ Youth

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Google Maps image of location

17199 SE Division St, Portland, OR, 97236
